Calibration Device KBE2

Inspection and Calibration of Force and Displacement Sensor System for Automatic Gear Shaft Control GSW2001
The Calibration Device KBE2 serves for the inspection and calibration of the force and displacement sensor system of the Automatic Gear Shaft Control GSW2001. The delivery scope consists of the calibration mechanics, a control and evaluation electronics in a desktop housing as well as of the evaluation software to be installed in a customer-supplied PC. Customized selector shaft adaption is made on request.
Main features:
- Calibration mechanics which is actuated instead of a test gearbox
- Control and evaluation electronics in 4U 19¨ desktop housing
- Calibration traceability to national measurement standards by DKD calibration certificates (German Calibration Service) available as option
- PC software for control and evaluation of the calibration process
- Automatic calibration of force and displacement sensor system of the GSW2001
- Calibration protocols saved as file
- Printout of calibration protocols as tabular or graphical representation